
JMK offers turn-key project management and quality legal services in the following fields:

Preparation of the investment projects; liaison with the potential investors; project implementation, monitoring and evaluation; negotiating and drafting legal contracts.
Ownership of real estate and movable assets; pledge and hypothec; state registration; drafting contracts; enforcement.
Purchase and sale, gift, credit, rent, lease, service etc.; negotiating and drafting contracts; state registration.
Setting up the legal entities; licensing and permits; merger and acquisition; liquidation and winding-up; negotiating and drafting contracts.
Employment contracts; labor disputes; managing and drafting contracts.
Family disputes, disputes related to inheritance.
Patents, trade marks and copyrights; negotiating and drafting contracts; state filing and registration.
Liaison with the state authorities, as well as, any third party.
Purchase and sale, gift, credit, rent, lease, service etc.; negotiating and drafting contracts; state registration.
Dispute resolution by JMK arbitration.
We can serve as specialist, organize and manage auction, as per Civil Code of Georgia.